Dining Pods

Pack a picnic or grab some take away from one of the local cafes and dine out in an outdoor dining pod in the town of Benalla. Pods are located near the Ceramic Mural and Splash Park, near the library and Thomas Street. Perfect for a social get together or connect with family.

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Lake Benalla

Along Lake Benalla’s tranquil 4.25 kilometre track you will find inspiration in diverse and picturesque landscapes from the serene lake to meandering rivers, the exquisitely manicured botanical gardens to remnant river red gum forest, the indigenous community garden to Jaycee Island with its magnificent towering Moreton bay figs and exotic Bunya Bunya pines. Explore the…

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Benalla Ceramic Mural

The Benalla Ceramic Mural was created by some of Australia’s leading ceramic artists and many people from Benalla. It emerges from the rolling green lawns on the shore of Lake Benalla, next door to the Benalla Museum and opposite the Benalla Art Gallery. Contributors to this open air gallery include nationally significant artists, 1500 regional…

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Benalla Botanical Gardens

In the heart of Benalla, in North East Victoria, lies a sanctuary that has stood the test of time, shaping civic life in this town. Since its establishment in the 1880s, the Benalla Botanical Gardens has been more than just a collection of plants and trees; it’s been a hub of community life, a drawcard…

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Winton Wetlands

A wetlands restoration project of international significance, Winton Wetlands has been designated a Wetland of Distinction by the Society of Wetland Scientists, the first such listing given outside of the USA. Winton Wetlands brings people, groups and communities together to renew themselves and be immersed in the distinctive landscape. Located in northeast Victoria, Australia, the…

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Lake Benalla Fishway

Lake Benalla fishway is in place to improve the native fish migration in the Goulburn Broken Catchment. The vertical fishway or fishladders as they are sometimes known, allows fish to swim upstream an downstream past barriers. It is also a way to protect fish from predators like humans and birds and also allows light to…

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Benalla’s Aboriginal Garden

Explore Benalla’s beautiful Aboriginal Community Garden located within Moira Reserve along the banks of the Broken River. Nestled in amongst a stand of beautiful old River Red Gums, this peaceful bush oasis is a place for rest and reflection and for deepening appreciation of Indigenous culture and the natural environment. Experience the plants and waterway…

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Benalla Analemmatic Sundial

The Benalla sundial was built to mark the centenary in 2005 of Rotary International. It’s called the sundial of human involvement because it relies on the shadow cast by a person to show the time. You will find the sundial overlooking Lake Benalla, adjacent to the walking path and upstream from the bridge.

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Weary Dunlop Memorial

Solider, surgeon and war hero Edward ‘Weary’ Dunlop was born in Benalla in 1907. Sir Edward Dunlop is acknowledged as an Australian hero. A man of deep personal integrity. To many he was affectionately known as ‘Weary’. The Weary Dunlop memorial marks the achievements of this amazing a man and the memorial was officially opened…

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Adventure Playground

The Benalla Adventure Playground is a popular recreational area located in Benalla, near the Botanical Gardens. It has expansive play structures, diverse activities, and beautiful natural surroundings. The playground features a variety of play equipment suitable for children of different ages and abilities. This includes slides, swings, climbing frames, and imaginative play areas. Situated in…

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